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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Health Beneath The Wings: Angelic Symbols in Marketing

Published: May 27, 2020


Jasmina Ilicic, Monash University; Stacey Baxter, The University of Sydney; Alicia Kulczynski, The University of Newcastle


Angelic Symbols; Priming; Healthfulness


This research explores the influence of angelic symbols (i.e., halos and wings) on consumer perceptions of the healthfulness of products. Results demonstrate that the presence of angelic symbols increase product healthfulness perceptions. The findings suggest that angelic symbols enhance healthfulness perceptions irrespective of whether the products advertised are a vice or a virtue. Evidence is provided that angelic symbols prime perceptions of purity, which influences healthfulness perceptions, and subsequent purchase intentions. This research has important implications for marketers in their execution of marketing collateral to influence product attribute perceptions and behavior.